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UPDATE Free Family Giveaway: Monster Jam Winner Announcement

March 31, 2023

We apologize! In our excitement to announce the winners, we missed including the Club Seat winners! So that means more of you won! Please see the updated list below.

Congratulations Monster Jam Free Family Giveaway Winners! Each winner will receive 4 tickets.

Congratulations Giveaway Winners! We love being able to offer our COL employees great experiences such as this. Thank you to all of those that participated and remember, there will be more giveaways in the future!


SATURDAY, APRIL 15th @ 1:00 PM

Willliam Haigh

Gina Pansier

Aja Nelson

Becca Jarmuskiewicz

SATURDAY, APRIL 15th @ 7:00 PM

Kelly Robinson

Brendan Holm

Michelle Leonberger

Ashley Miller

SUNDAY, APRIL 16th @ 1:00 PM

Mitchell Everson

Lori Janda

Nathan Bjorkman

Amanda Wydeven


CLUB SEAT WINNERS (Don't forget to bring your ear protection)

SATURDAY, APRIL 15th @ 1:00 PM

Celena Leurquin

SATURDAY, APRIL 15th @ 7:00 PM

Joe Sonderegger

SUNDAY, APRIL 16th @ 1:00 PM

Emily Ambrose

Important Key-Points for the Winners: We hope you enjoy this fun-filled family event and make lots of memories. Please read the following to make sure you're all set for the event.

  1. Erin will distribute the tickets to the winners by Wednesday April 12th. Make sure to save the date on your calendar!

  2. Please look over the Event Info for this event before attending:

  3. Directions to the Resch Center are below if needed.

  4. If you receive tickets, and you no longer are able to attend, please let Erin know as soon as you’re able, so we can distribute tickets to our back up winner(s). We prefer someone from COL utilize the company tickets vs the winner giving them to someone outside of the company.

  5. Have fun and make sure to take lots of pictures to share the memories. We would love to see your photos and videos from the event! Please send any photos you'd like to share with us to (if uploading multiple images, please upload an entire folder using and share the generated link in the email). We enjoy showcasing employee events on our employee website to share the fun!

DISCLAIMER: If you are scheduled to work during this event, you must receive approval to have the day off from your manager.



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