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Be The Difference.

Joe and Lynn Circle.png

“Welcome Onboard”

Our industry is not much different than most. We have several major foreign companies as competitors. Our customers, independent optical eyeglass clinics and opticianry stores, face this same challenge.

We have chosen our pathway of success by manufacturing the “best” in optics and holding a leadership position within our profession. How does this happen? Our employees are given all the resources to become a Certificated Optician. This certification is yours, not Cherry Optical’s, but for us to be the best we need the most informed, most educated optical manufacturing team with the knowledge to continue.

You most likely sense this, and it was possibly a reason you choose us. That’s great because others that join here before you felt and continue to feel the same. It’s a very successful strategy. We appreciate and hope you find this day as one that created a profession for you versus simply a job. It’s your choice, and it is our responsibility to provide the equipment, training, and environment supporting you of this choice.


Congratulations, I (Joe), made this same choice on Monday, May 20th 1974, and have never experienced a boring day of work. Lynn and I hope you will experience this same feeling today, along with the years ahead. We're thrilled to have you as part of our family.

Joe & Lynn Cherry



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